Friday 8 August 2014

Bravery in Borrowash

Kandugal Kingdom
revealed at 
Borrowash Library
Wednesday 6th August 2014

As our Derbyshire Myths and Legends project unfolds, while our artists tell stories of old Derbyshire and hope that the children we work with may help us tell new ones, totally unpredictable adventures are becoming the standard.

So, somewhere near Borrowash - or beyond it - or behind it - there is a land called Kandugal Kingdom where evil goblins lived in a forest.

The goblins drank far too much pachoodle juice which is made from creeping ivy, turquoise berries and the souls of dragons. There was just one young warrior girl who lived alone with her dragon who was brave enough to confront the goblins.  She joined forces with the strange half skeleton/half snake people who would help her defeat them. These strange creatures could eat evil.

The goblins set anyone who enters the forest a set of riddles before they were allowed through.

These were the riddles:

What gets wetter the more you dry? 
(A towel.)

What has 4 legs in the morning, 2 in the afternoon and 3 in the evening? 
( A human  - a baby crawls on all fours, an adult walks on 2 legs, an elderly person uses a stick)

What gets bigger the more you take away? 
(A hole.)

What am I describing? The person who makes it doesn't need it, the person who buys it doesn't need it and the person who uses it doesn't know they need it?  
(A coffin.)

These riddles were supplied by the children and their parents: riddles passed down quietly from one Borrowasher to another: preparation for the unfortunate day when they might stumble into Kandugal Kingdom

Derbyshire Myths and Legends artist: Maria Whatton
Thanks to all our riddlers, storytellers, artists and audience at Borrowash

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